Sunday, February 3, 2008

Goodbye, Brittany.

The other day something very odd happened to me. I have been student teaching 8th grade recently. It has been such a great experience these past three weeks. Anyway, the other day was one student's last day at the school. She was moving an hour away. Well, she happened to be in my classroom during the last period of that day. The last bell rang and off she was, hugging this person and that person. Students showed up from all different rooms in order to wish her luck. The digital camera was there to catch these precious moments. The tears were coming, but I was shocked to find myself getting teary eyed as well. Not because I felt so bad for them or anything, but because there was an honest moment there of nonjudgmental acceptance and appreciation among them. Then, I also realized I was jealous. Who the hell would care if I moved an hour away right now? Truth is I am actually moving in May after graduation and I know right now that no one will miss me like that girl.

Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

1 comment:

A College Girl said...

I'm not sure if you blog anymor, but I must say it moved me. I too felt that twing of jealousy knowing that as I get older, as I graduate from this degree or that one or get a new job, less and less people will miss me.